Access 2016 Introduction


About this course

The skills and knowledge acquired in Microsoft Access 2016 – Level 1 are sufficient to be able to create database systems, enter, edit and delete data in database files, produce information in forms and reports and generate queries on the data.

Course Outline

SKU: INF1630 Categories: , , , Tag:


At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • understand how Access is used and how to navigate around it
  • design a database with lookup tables
  • create a database structure using Access
  • modify the structure of an existing table
  • add records to a new table
  • add transactional records to a lookup database
  • work with the records in a database table
  • sort and filter records in a table
  • create simple and effective queries
  • create meaningful reports from tables
  • create and use forms


Microsoft Access 2016 – Level 1 assumes little or no knowledge of the software. However, it would be beneficial to have a general understanding of personal computers and the Windows operating system environment.

Course Outline